Saturday 9 April 2011

Alvaro Briceño


Experienced consultant and coach of top executives in the areas of corporate strategy and organization. Have consulted for the public sector and major companies doing business in Latin America and Canada, including subsidiaries of Verizon, Repsol YPF, ENI Spa, Microsoft and AES Energy. Clients include sectors like Oil&Gas, Engineering, CIT, Insurance, Health and Food.

My mission is to help succeed people, corporations and governments that want to have a positive, lasting imprint in their countries and globally.

Strategic thinking and planning applied for complex organizations and sectors
Strategic management of projects, firms and NGOs
Strategic organization and organization restructuring
Issue and Crisis Management
Strategic talent acquisition
System thinking and system dynamics applied to problem-solving
Bilingual English-Spanish

Master of Public Administration (MPA), Columbia University, New York, USA, 1994
Executive Program on Strategy and Organization (EPSO), Stanford University, 2000
Chemical Engineer, Central University of Venezuela, 1979
Certified Management Consultant (CMC), Province of Ontario, Canada, 2009

Industrial Consulting, SAS (ICSAS) Bogotá, Colombia
2010 - (current)                Director. I am responsible for strategy and business development of this company specialized in services for the oil and gas industry. Clients include largest operators of Colombia: Pacific Rubiales Energy (TSX PRE) & ECOPETROL (oil), and Masa (gas).

People Talent, Inc. ( Toronto, Canada; Houston, TX
2007- (current)                 Founder, Executive Vice President. I am responsible for consulting operations, quality assurance, and partnerships in Canada and abroad. This company focuses on corporate management and organization, as well as talent acquisition for the energy industry of Canada. We consult for companies on corporate strategy and entry strategies to Canada. In Human Resources we combine state-of-the-the-art networking technology with more traditional search methods, refined over 30 years of human resources and client service experience.
 ITP Consultores (, Caracas
1999- (current)                 President, Owner and Senior Consultant Partner. Responsible for strategic direction of this consulting firm that focuses on Strategy, Regulation and Organization. Issue management and scenario analysis are core competences of the firm. I am also responsible for quality of consulting services and products. Lead major projects and supervised senior consultants and managers. Clients include Top /10 Venezuelan corporations (CANTV/former subsidiary of Verizon, Electricity of Caracas Group/former subsidiary of AES Energy, and Microsoft/subsidiary of Microsoft, POLAR Group), as well as some global Oil & Gas corporations (ENI Spa. from Italy and Repsol YPF from Spain/Argentina), and public institutions (i.e. Venezuelan Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Interior and Justice), as well as multilaterals institutions (World Bank, UNDP/United Nations Development Program, , and CAF/Andean Development Corporation). Lead the development in Venezuela of System Dynamics use in industry through modelling and training for clients. Expert in systems thinking, ithink and STELLA.

1994-1999                        Vice President and Senior Consultant Partner. Responsible of strategic management of main consulting projects. I developed methodologies to strengthened consulting capacities in strategy and organization. Leader of strategy and organization projects for clients in telecom sector (Movilnet, mobile operators). Clients include Top /10 Venezuelan corporations (CANTV/former subsidiary of Verizon, Electricity of Caracas Group/former subsidiary of AES; and Movilnet, subsidiary of CANTV) and public institutions (i.e. Caracas  Subway, Venezuelan Ministry of Health and Ecuadorian Guayas development Corporation), as well as multilaterals institutions (World Bank, and CAF/Andean Development Corporation).

Fundación Talento (Talent Foundation), Caracas
2001-2009 (current)        President. NGO devoted to promote the usage of systems thinking, simulation and knowledge management to solve social, economic and cultural issues related to development and sustainability. I assisted institutions and NGOs on Strategic Management, Organization and Leadership. Have developed projects, some of which included dynamic models to simulate for instance surpluses/shortages of engineers; dynamics of justice subsystems; as well, has developed strategic management training. Projects have been awarded private and European Commission sponsorship.

IESA Business School, Caracas
1995 – 1996 (1 year)     Consultant. I advised the President of IESA and its Coordinator of Research on the formulation and implementation of their intent to partner in executive training with one of the global major oil companies, Petróleos de Venezuela, PDVSA.

United Nations Development Program (UNDP), New York., USA
1994                                   Consultant for Public Sector Projects. I assisted the UNDP on sustainability assessment of gas project to be developed in Maracaibo Lake, Venezuela, by MARAVEN, subsidiary of Petróleos de Venezuela, PDVSA. The study included economic and social evaluation at pre-feasibility phase.

National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL)
1992-1993                        Consultant. I assisted the General Director to set up management processes of planning and control. It was created its first strategic management program and developed an strategic agenda for its leadership. This body was the first independent regulatory body for the telecommunications industry in Venezuela.

Ministry of Transporte y Comunicaciones (MTC)
1992                                   Consultant. Advised the Minister for the Highways Restructuring Process and  the Decentralization Process. These processes were managed as high level projects reporting to the minister. My responsibilities included feasibility studies, RFP for contractors, negotiation of agreements with four major Venezuelan provinces, and logistics for responsibilities and assets switching to provinces.

1990-91                             Consultant, Deputy Co-ordinator (World Bank funded post). I proudly advised the Minister for the Privatisation and Restructuring of the Telecommunications Sector, from strategy formulation to its successful execution. Included responsibility for hiring and supervision processes of consultants (Lehman Brothers and Warburg.; Deloitte;  and Skadden, Arps, Meagher and Flohm); quality assurance of major products (Concession Agreement, Shareholder Agreement, Due Diligence Reports); Data Room and Due Diligence. I participated in every relevant aspect of this privatization project management, including the design of the telecom regulatory body, Conatel. I was part of this modernization process that offered the country the possibility to have nowadays a huge penetration of fixed lines and 104% of mobile lines!!, beside a whole new capability to support business and the public sector.
Presidency of the Republic Planning Office (CORDIPLAN)
1990                                   Consultant. I advised the Long Term Planning Director on Privatisation of economic sectors and specifically on Telecommunications. My responsibilities included evaluation of incumbent telecom company (CANTV) and its restructuring strategy formulation.                                                                                                                                 

FORMA, Professional for Technology Development
1988-90                             Consulting Manager. Forma is a boutique firm that consults for top executives of Venezuelan  major corporations on innovation and engineering. I was the consulting leader in charge of quality assurance and methods development. Consulted for the second largest global oil corporation (Petróleos de Venezuela, PDVSA) on the innovative “Accelerated Training Program for Process Engineers (PAFIP)” devoted to support the industry needs of process engineers specialized in conceptual and basic engineering design.

Caracas Subway (Metro de Caracas)
1986-88                             Coordinator of the Maintenance Investigation Service (SIM). I founded this innovative service that was responsible for investigations of cross-functional issues and accidents of the Subway system. Given the young structure of the just launched Metro system, this group attacked the backlog of unresolved issues. SIM reach a headcount of 18 technicians and engineers.                                                                                                 

                                            Analyst and Internal Consultant on Ergonomy. I consulted for underground maintenance and operations divisions on internal and external environmental issues. Issues included air pollution, noise and ergonomic problems.

Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural resources
1980-86                             Noise Control Enforcement Coordinator and Analyst. Designed and implemented the national strategy to enforce new noise pollution control. Included assessment of development projects; advising and training to provinces on noise pollution control; national communications on prevention and education. Awarded  by French Government to evaluate Toulouse City Pilot Project on Noise Control.

Non-for-profit Sector:

I also support and believe in non-for-profit organizations. Since 1981 I am member of Amnesty International, where I developed the whole spectrum of duties from individual member to being appointed to the Global Strategic Planning Committee and being elected as member of the International Executive Committee, the international board in charge of overseeing the movement internationally.
Since 2005 I consult Ad-Honorem for the Venezuelan Section of Amnesty International on Strategy and specifically on their Strategic Agenda and Scenarios Analysis.
At this moment, I am the CEO and Chair of the Board of Talent Foundation, and a Canadian NGO called UADD, Urgent Action for Democracy and Development, and I am member of the Board of Justice Consortium, an US Boston based Charity, I advise these NGOs on strategy and organization.

                                            Canadian Association of  Management Consultants, CAMC
                                            Venezuela Engineers Association, CIV
                                            Canadian Venezuela Chamber of Commerce, Caracas
                                            Amnesty International, Business and Human Rights Group, Toronto (
Columbia University Alumni Association of Venezuela (, Venezuelan Corporate Leader's Forum, The Economist Conferences, 2002/2008

Honors and Awards:
Amnesty International,  International Executive Committee (IEC), Member by Election, 2003-2005
Amnesty International,  Venezuelan Section,  Board Member, President, and Honorary President, Member since 1981.
Red Cross Medal, Venezuela, 2000
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), USA, Invitee for Conference on Leadership, 1995
Columbia University Grant for MPA Studies, 1993
Columbia University Alumni Association of Venezuela, President 1997-2008
France Gov´t Award for Presidential Studies, 1993
Fundación Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Loan, 1992
France Gov´t Agency ACTIM´s Sejour in Université Paul Sabatier, Tolouse, 1982

Toronto, Canada

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